Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here is my website with a couple of Stones pieces and photos, along with links to my published writings on online relationships.

I'd like to post here in a while the book "pitch" I developed recently. I those who read it will know it is mine, copywrited...Would love comments on it.


  1. As I hunch over my computer, typing away in my writing prison, the light showing in the window gives me hope. I long for the satisfaction that comes with breaking through the hieroglyphics into sentences, paragraphs and pages that make sense. I mean that they have meaning to someone other than me. Well, okay, only to me would suffice.

  2. Read Keith Richards' b00k Life, enj0yed it. Surprised at h0w hurt he was and is by Mick pulling away fr0m him.

    I'm d0wn here in C0sta Rica t0 write and what happens, my 0h key g0es n0t. N0 fixing it til I get back. Well, it's n0 w0rse a handicap than writing pr0crastinati0n, n0, n0t at all. :-)
